Justice and Correctional Services Minister, Ronald Lamola and Police Minister, Bheki Cele confirmed on Thursday morning that fugitives Thabo Bester and his partner, Dr. Nandipha Magudumana have been returned to South Africa following their arrest in East Africa, Arusha Tanzania Friday night.
Bester has been imprisoned at Kgosi Mampuru Central Maximum Correctional Facility under 24/7 surveillance.
Dr. Magudumana is under arrest, and expected to appear in Bloemfontein Magistrates’ Court. She is facing several charges including murder and violation of bodies.
Bester’s escape from Bloemfontein Correctional facility on May 3, 2022, using a charred man’s corpse fraudulently classified as his.
According to reports, Dr. Magudumana claimed to be the man’s legally wedded wife after his body was discovered inside a cell.
The fugitives’ deportation follows the high level delegation led by the Department of Home Affairs sent to Tanzania on April 9, 2023.
The duo was arrested together with Mozambican national Zakaria Alberto believed to have assisted the couple’s flight.
In a joint statement, Lamola and Cele said they would like to thank the government of Tanzania for its unequivocal co-operation in the matter relating to the arrest and deportation of Bester and Dr. Magudumana.
According to reports, during the arrest the suspects were found in possession of several travel documents. Bester was now known as Tommy William Kelly, an American citizen, while Magudumana assumed the name Martha Patience Mmerika Nitshini.
Cele confirmed the suspects were captured with multiple passports. He said the passports had no stamps.
The departments say they are grateful to all the role players involved in this matter thus far, this includes State agencies and members of the public who have shared information that has assisted in the detention of the two fugitives, following an extensive manhunt.
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